Whether you are nestled into your house for the next decade or thinking of a move in the near future, the Yosha Snyder Group wants to know they have your personal happiness at the forefront of everything they do. That includes how you live in the now–and how you leave your house for your family. With 2024 on our horizon, winter is a great time to consider this.
It all starts with what you keep and what you purge. A couple of years ago, Maria Konda’s The KonMari Method™ was all the rage. Her process encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Joy? Keep. No joy? Purge.
But that implies that your joy will also bring joy to others. If the items you keep are truly joy-filled, consider keeping a record of these items and explain why they bring you joy. If you cannot articulate that and you don’t really use the item, maybe it’s time to let it go.
The Swedes have the right idea when it comes to cleaning and organizing the home. The name may be a little scary, but the idea is sound. This is called Swedish Death Cleaning. The concept is simple and comes from the Swedish word döstädning, which translates to death cleaning. Keep only what you need and use. Declutter the rest. All of it.
Simple? Sounds like it. The process actually suggests a couple of things. First, start with a closet, cabinet, or drawer that you don’t use often. For your first effort, start small. Purge what you don’t want or need. You can try selling things on FaceBook Marketplace or donating to a shelter or Goodwill. Then, move on to larger places. Maybe that coat closet by the front door that you use as coat storage and extra overflow of anything you don’t have a home for. Pull it all out. Yep, every single thing. Then put back only what you need. The inner monologue you should be having is more than “will I use it.” The real question is this: “Will anyone else be interested in it?” If the answer is no and you no longer use it, get rid of it.
The real end game here is that, when you die, you want to make this as easy on those who have to manage your estate. Looking for gift ideas? You may have the perfect thing right in your house that you can give someone and share the story behind it. Old notebooks and paperwork? Scan if important and then recycle. Passwords and usernames for electronic access? Make time digitally declutter by creating a list so that your family can access your records easily.
While the name Swedish Death Cleaning implies end-of-life planning, it’s also a great way to make room for more time while you are living your best life now. And whether you are in your house for another year or another decade, the professionals at the Yosha Snyder Group are ready to help you plan for your future.